Read the situation in the Middle East to be turbulent

Read the situation in the Middle East to be turbulent

Read the situation in the Middle East to be turbulent [Read the situation in the Middle East to be turbulent - the Arab Spring, the death of a terrorist] . Bin Laden killing by the United States 00 Osama bin error Dinh which is the mastermind of the terrorist attacks that occurred to date have been killed by this year month the United States. Location was a town of Pakistan's capital Islamabad suburb, avatar bird. This town is known as a military town. Although the CIA has sniffed a suspicious mansion, whether resident or bin Laden seems to have not been able to confirm finally. But, month and day strategy is executed, special forces, called the Navy SEALs hits the mission. Corpse of bin Laden been identified as the person in DNA testing, body was submerged in the sea. There is in the Holy Land if Umere to land, because he hated to or become a pilgrimage site. The most important point in this strategy is that you did not prior notice to the Pakistan side. The United States do not trust Pakistan. Information had been concerned that leaks.

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