Read the situation in the Middle East to be turbulent

Malicious driver, security information of sexual harassment etc ... ...

Read the situation in the Middle East to be turbulent Malicious driver, security information of sexual harassment etc ... Middle East Jordan on terrorism Such as Petra ruins of swimming and the world heritage at the Dead Sea body floats, history and nature want to visit a tourist once the Jordan of charm! Than many people called. Since Jordan is also said to be pro-Japanese countries, it is a country that becomes more and more care. Such Jordan is located in the Middle East, Israel and Syria, and also adjacent to Iraq. Neighboring countries is not a good image of too much security, Will What about Jordan's security? We've got Jordan of security information to be worried about. . Attention to terrorism Jordan is said to be relatively security of good country in the Middle East, a large number of tourists from around the world had visited. However, 0 years to occur unexpected terrorism, it is said that security has deteriorated. Terrorism that has occurred is the castle of the popular tourist spot at the location went km south of the capital Amman.

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