Read the situation in the Middle East to be turbulent

What Carlos Ghosn, were you involved with the Middle East ...

Read the situation in the Middle East to be turbulent What Carlos Ghosn, were you involved with the Middle East of a terrorist organization? In Japan, funding there - to the Middle East terrorist organizations Have you ever made noise with. In Lebanon, there is a militia Hezbollah, such as for foreign territorial dispute has its own military decisions, but is not self-government, there is a separate military action rights. And say what it, in the long lasted Lebanese civil war, Syria It was blatant, such as the puppet state of Lebanon, Israel, carried out military assistance to the Lebanese militia organization, the region militia that the current Hezbollah It was a region that is a sphere of influence. In validity of the civil war between Israel and Hezbollah even if at the end of the area dominated by the mean that, because he continued to dispute, in discussions aimed at peace each military forces of Lebanon, required to legitimate the fight against Hezbollah is Israel give and its command authority own military force such, the Lebanese government has done an agreement that does not participate.

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